Hi Lou, great to read about your day. I am currently doing the Gupta program, so I’m also doing ‘rounds’ and trying to “bathe my brain in happy chemicals” (is how I’ve stated it to my husband 😁). We have a lot in common as I’m struggling to read less non-fiction and to try to consume light-hearted content. My post from today is all about retraining my overachieving part. It’s not easy! But I too am starting to see progress from the retraining. Wishing you the best 🧡

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Love this post💛 I love the way you introduced it. Comparison is something that has come up for me this year to work on. Haven’t made it into any practice as such but it has been there in the background, piping up for my attention. I might do an updated “day in the life of” because what used to take me all day back in 2018 is now my way of life and I have tons more health and energy now yet my days still start with slow mornings, a health first approach and are very different to how I used to live my life before all this happened. I have no intention of returning to that. We are cyclical beings with human needs and I wasn’t honouring any of that before. Totally in awe of you retraining your left hand as part of your brain retraining! Can’t wait to see where this program takes you🤩

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That's so wonderful to hear Amber. I am the same, no way I'm going back to how I lived my life before. I've come to accept that I naturally gravitate towards a more push then rest cycle, and I'm going to try and do the best I can to honour that and that and work around it. It sounds like you've found a balance that works well for you. I'm hoping to be there soon enough!

I'll keep people updated on the left hand thing!

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Thank you. I have found a sense of balance. A perfectly imperfect approach to it anyway 🙃 it took me a few years (slowing down being my greatest challenge of all), but so worth it with big pay offs x

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