Hello, recent-ish new reader, first time commenter

I just wanted to say that your latest sharing is EXACTLY what I'm hitting against in my own perfectionist/CFS journey right now. And I'm noticing how my perfectionism is evolving to loophole and transform into new things now that I've started to change the status quo. As a newbie to all things emotions, I find it unbelievable helpful to read others articulate how I'm feeling. It's like a weight being taken off.

So thank you for this timely reminder that it's not a one-and-done with changing my beliefs, perfectionism and inner critic - it's building new awareness and habits for life. A much better and healthier life :)

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Hello Pippa! I'm glad you feel less alone after reading this. Comments like yours certainly help me feel seen! There is so much to uncover about yourself when you're forced to wade through it all. I'm finding it exhausting, but have accepted this will have to be a lifelong habit. We're working within a culture that feeds into our perfectionism and working against that is always going to be challenging. Much love ❤️

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